
Thursday 11 July 2013

The Gentle Souls

I prefer the gentle souls
people in the right state of mind.
Short fuses and anger tantrums
cause me anxiety - their sole
purpose is destruction.
Certain things are under our control
right from the start - like passion and
reason, they are only the offspring
of what happens in our mind.

Then there is the silly mind games
people play, maybe to mask their true self
or to get a power buzz by feeling in control.
Surely choosing to be a true version of oneself
is by far a better option.
The "green-eyed monster" creeping in
and one choosing to feed it on feelings
of insecurity and envy instead of realistically
sifting through the issues.

I choose to live the rest of my life
in harmony with others, nature, the
universe, god - but mostly with myself.
Thus creating a gentle soul
playing her own little part
on the stage of life.

1 comment:

  1. I also prefer the gentle souls - yet in my family there are so many aggressive souls and I have to deal with them. AND what makes matters worse, it is the aggressive souls who do most for humanity while I only take care of my small core family. Timidity does not makes for high morality and ethics, so dealing with the others are required - but it is so difficult!
    Kind regards, Marilese
